Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH
Axonic Informationssysteme GmbH is a privately held software vendor focusing on technology concerning information, communication and recognition. The company is located in Karlsruhe and was founded by Martin Welker in 2003.We have successfully been developing software in the areas of artificial intelligence and knowledge and information extraction for over a decade. Since 4 years our research has primarily been based on the area of "communication intelligence" - the analysis and presentation of communication.

Chilibase for Outlook
See your people in an extra Outlook panel. See the complete conversation with a person on a single click. See the conversation even with teams. See who is relevant and who is not.

Lookeen improves your e-mail productivity by lightning fast search through the content of your mail folders and local files! You can see conversation with people and groups on a single click! Lookeen reduces the time for organizing and filing Outlook items!